Friday, December 2, 2016

This is just darling. You've got to watch it!

In case you missed it, a few days before Thanksgiving there was this amazing community event the Tampa Bay Rays parking lot on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street across from the Trop. It was the 4th annual Fall Festival Turkey Giveaway, and more 3,000 people turned out. Some 1,500 people got free turkeys, just in time for Thanksgiving. The catalysts for this noble endeavor are attorney James Flynn, who is known as "your Southside lawyer" and community activist Jeff Copeland. The Weekly Challenger had a big story on it, along with lots of pictures. Take a look.

Now, about the video at the top of this item. Pony rides! Yes, that's right! There was as petting zoo and there were pony rides! So, in the video, James Flynn takes his daughter over so she can ride on a pony. She's adorable. You've got to watch.

There are five other videos accompanying this story in The Weekly Challenger, including interviews with James Flynn and Mayor Rick Kriseman, whose staff helped make the event happen. It's a grand example of public and private partnership. Working together for common mutual benefit of the community. Bravo to all involved.

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