Monday, December 5, 2016

Inspiring videos from students at Stetson:
"I came to law school to help people"

What an amazing community we live in! We have some fine institutions of higher learning turning out graduates who are certain to become citizens dedicated to serving others. We couldn't help but be moved by two recent videos posted by Stetson University College of Law. The words of the students really  tell the story. “I first came to law school because I wanted to give back to the community, and I chose Stetson in particular because I grew up in the area and I knew this was a place where I could really sink in my roots and grow," says Stetson Law student Haley Coet. “I think it’s important to be a voice for the people who are voiceless and who don’t have opportunity to be heard by our legal system.”  Here's more from Stetson Law student Carolina Suazo. “I came to law school to help people. I’m one of those quintessential people who really want to use my own life in a way of service.” Watch the videos and tell us what you think.

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