Friday, December 30, 2016

For the holiday season and the coming new year, a wish for peace and dignity for all

You don't always know where the inspiration will come from. We were reading the hometown newspaper – Winona Daily News – back in Minnesota. There was an interesting column published on Christmas Day and just had to share it with you. It was written by Dr. Frank Bures, a semi-retired dematologist in town, who puts his thoughts and ideas down on paper for the edification of all. This particular column had a basic idea that fits what we believe and seemed worth sharing with you. Dr. Bures quotes from a poem by an unnamed friend. You can read the entire entry here but this is an excerpt:

I yearn for the day when we will realize that we all have the same desire and need
For a life we can live in peace and dignity, free from hunger, warfare, jealousy and greed.
Every rock and spring, every living thing is a part of God’s creation.
We are all God’s children. God loves us all, every person, every nation.

We wish everyone a joyous holiday season and a new year rich with blessings and possibilities.

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