Thursday, August 25, 2016

Showing films again at the historic Royal Theater. Here's why you should be there.

If you haven't seen this film (or even if you have), you owe to yourself to see this showing. Not only is it a really fine film but it also has several ramification for our community. Watch the trailer to get an idea of what it's about. You'll see why we think you ought to go see it on its own merits.

Here's why you should go see it from a community standpoint.

 1) It's the first movie being offered in a new program to start showing movies again at the historic Royal Theater on 22nd Street South in Midtown. The program, A Book and a Movie, is sponsored by Deuces Live in partnership with Keep St. Pete Lit and Federation of Families of Florida with the cooperation of the Boys and Girls Club.

2) It's a movie based on a book by Florida author Eva Marie Everson. It's moving. It's wholesome. It's free. It's Saturday afternoon. Doors open at 2 p.m. Movie starts at  2:22 (get it?).

This is the beginning of this project and it needs to be a success because it stands to contribute a lot to the well-being of the community. You can read all about it in this article by Veatrice Farrell in The Weekly Challenger. Take a look at that article because it has a list of some of the other movies that will be in the series.

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