Monday, August 22, 2016

Attorney James Flynn gives back in a big way to help our local community to thrive

From left, Andrew Golub, Jeff Copeland, Tammara Anderson, Lisa Wheeler-Brown, James Flynn, and Corey Edwards.
Now here's a fine example of giving back. Over the years, attorney James Flynn has built a successful practice under the banner of "Your Southside Lawyer". In 2014, according to an article by Frank Drouzas in The Weeky Challenger, Flynn provided the resources for a free shuttle service for residents 55 or older who need to get around town. Jeff Copeland, found of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference's Pinellas County chapter, set it all up, and has an idea about how the give-back effort could be expanded. He told The Weekly Challenger: "If every successful business owner would put money back into the community, it would go a long way toward sustainability."

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