Monday, November 28, 2016

If you love reading, you're going to want to bid on these literary-themed gift baskets

The thing of it is that you've only got until Thursday to get your bid in, so you'd better take action. The man in the picture is Ron Walters, who created the dozen baskets as a fund raiser for the Circle of Friends of the St. Pete Beach Library. The baskets have themes, including World War II, Florida authors, cats, and dogs. You can get more details in the article in The Gabber, and you really should read it. But if you're are reader or you've got a reader on your Christmas list, you'd be smart to hotfoot it over to the St. Pete Beach Library and take a look at them. Each basket has several books and other nifty things, and, of course, would make great gifts. You snooze, you lose. Go now.

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